Day: | 014 |
Date: | Monday, 28 March 2011 |
Start: | Edmondson Hut |
Finish: | Mt Wills Hut |
Camp Location | Here |
Daily Kilometres: | 29.0 |
Total Kilometres: | 296.4 AAWT |
Animal Encounters | Birds |
People Encounters | One southbound AAWT hiker |
Weather: | Sunny and mild |
Pictures: | Here |
Journal: | I forced myself to get up at 7 AM even though it was barely light and quite cold. The sky was clear and it promised to be another sunny day. I didn't get going until nearly 9 AM because I lost time dealing with prickles that had attached themselves to some of my clothes and towel. I hiked cross country up the slopes of Mt Nelse to rejoin the AAWT and avoid backtracking a kilometer. Once on the trail, it was about 5 km of easy walking across more High Plains with stunning views of Mt Bogong. Along the way I met Paul, a young southbound AAWT hiker, travelling a bit slower than me, and we had a brief chat. At Roper's Hut the descent of the Duane Spur began. It seemed to go on forever, though wasn't too tough. Eventually I reached Big River and decided to take off my boots and socks and put on my spare running shoes for the crossing. I also packed a few things more securely in case I fell in! There was a wire rope across which I used to help me and the water was deep enough to wet the bottom of my shorts. On the other side, I took a break and put boots and socks back on leaving are my runners on the outside of my pack to dry. Then I had a long ascent up T-Spur which also seem to go on forever. It was hard work though the shade was cool and the views great as I got higher. Around 1:30 PM I reached Maddisons Hut site and had lunch lying in the sun with the tent out to dry. It would've been easy to have a nap after the exhausting climb. After checking the map, I decided to try to get to Mt Wills where there was a hut with water for the night rather Big River Saddle where I would have to camp and water was not convenient. It was going to be hard work. The long journey down Long Spur wasn't too bad in terms of grades but it was very rough track. I was now heading east away from the High Plains. The spur was quite narrow and the views were marvellous. Lower down the track was more overgrown and some of it was blackberry vines which was annoying. I didn't get to Big River Saddle until 6:30 PM, but decided to continue the last 3+ kilometres even though it was all climbing and likely to be rough trail. It was very slow going, and was getting quite dark by the time I reach a fire trail where I had less concern about losing my way. It was almost too dark to see when I eventually reached the summit of Mt Wills and the hut at 8 PM. It was empty and in good condition. I picked a bunk (hard metal) and unpacked and had a wash outside before cooking dinner. It wasn't that cold and quite comfortable. Having gone a bit further and not having to pack up the tent, I may have a bit of a sleep in tomorrow. I went to bed at 10. |
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